NOV 18-20 2022

Coming soon from Brandon Scott Jensen the multi award-winning director of "Lunaria," as well as the Albuquerque premieres of "Take Me Out," and "X-Ray," as well as Bradd Howard, one of the original members of "The Dolls" is the long awaited sequal to (and soft reboot of) "Sex and the Burque"! Now a full fledged musical with songs from the minds of Garrett Losack and J. Asher, you won't want to miss this extravaganza playing for one weekend only at The Black Cat Theater!

About The Show

Behind the Scenes

Our Creative Team

Cast and Crew

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Karaoke Tracks

Our Sponsor

"Sex and the Burque" is proud to be sponsored by About Face Med Spa: ROSEBUD (TM)! Click below to see more about services offered!

Jensen Entertainment

Sex and the Burque:
Sass in the City


Chastity Belt-Off

Lola Colada          Anne Wei

Ashley Bockstanz  Nico Lutz


Bitchie Vallens 

Stephen Pearson Patrick Romero

Music by          Lyrics by

Garrett Losack       J. Asher     .

Based on the show
"Sex and the Burque"
originally created by The Dolls

Dani Freeze

Tecnichal Director
Andy Ray Bridges

Stage Manager
Vincent Montoya

Directed by
Brandon Scott Jensen

About the Show

Long ago "The Dolls," one of the premiere former drag troops in Albuquerque put on a fun send up of a popular HBO shows. That send up was called "Sex and the Burque." 
Ten years later in 2020 the lead drag queen in that show, Chastity Belt-Off (Bradd Howard) was having drinks with his roommate, writer and director Brandon Scott Jensen. They began pondering bringing the show back. By the end of this conversation it was to be a sequel, but also a soft reboot of the original show- a full fledged musical with music by mutual friend Garrett Losack with a full title that included the oft-misremembered part of the title which included and/in: Sex and the Burque: Sass in the City.
Then, while working on the show, just like that . . . a revival of the original HBO show was announced. Money talks and that revival was produced and released while Jensen Entertainment was developing their show but after the script was written. Jensen was surprised to find several similarities to his book and lyrics, but it does feel like the characters have a natural progression.
Now today the show finally debuts with a cast and crew that will bring the best version of this show including several love stories, 10 new songs, and some of the best LGBT creatives Albuquerque has to offer.



Chastity Belt-Off as Carrie Bradd-Shaw

(Courtesy of Bradd Howard)

is a 2009 graduate of Dell'Arte School of Physical Theater and has been seen on stages throughout NM, CA and NY. As Chastity Belt-off, Bradd was a member of the beloved drag theater troupe, The Dolls and and acted and directed for them for many years. Chastity has been featured in films, tv shows and onstage throughout the years and she is very excited to reprise her role as Carrie Bradd-shaw in this incarnation of Sex and the Burque. Bradd is currently working on his one person clown show called Queer:A Clown's Journey. Look for it to premiere in the coming year.

Dani Freeze as Miranda From Hobbs

Dani has been on stage ever since middle school, climbing the ranks from singer to actor. By day, she works as an educational assistant for Albuquerque Public Schools. Dani graduated UNM with a BA in English and a minor in Theatre. Major credits include Princess in “Twisted”, Lindsay in “Godspell”, and one of the three clowns in “A Christmas Carol”

Lola Colada as Charlotte Fey

(Courtesy of Michael Roy)

Michael has been a member of the Albuquerque LGBTQ community for many years, previously performing with the Sugar Kookies and the NM Gay Men's chorus. He has been performing as Lola Colada for the last year and has done a few brunches and Saturday night shows at Sidewinders. 

Anne Wei as Samantha Hones

(Courtesy of Dachary Vann)

Dachary (Dach) Vann was last seen in The Mid-Nite Theatre, a short works festival at The Meadow at Fusion Forum. Other notable credits include: Lay Our Scene with &Sons Theatre Orcus in She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms (&Sons Theatre and Ad Astra Theatre),  Dose in This Is Modern Art (Duke City Reparatory Theatre), Paris in Romeo and Juliet (New Mexico Shakespeare Festival), Avery in The Flick (Aux Dog), Hud in Hair (Musical Theatre Southwest), Corin in As You Like It (Vortex), Max in Hir (Vortex), and Fairy Valet to Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream (UNM).

Bitchie Valens as Rosa Lewis

(Courtesy of Elvides Nez)

Elvides has been doing drag for almost 10 years now on and off. Mostly at the request of others. They have been involved in previous theater shows doing drag as well as around the community with Saints Ball and MoreXO. They dedicate this performace to their late dog, Precious.

Ashley Bockstanz as Enid

She has worked in
theatrical and musical productions since she was 16. Some of her more notable roles include The Witch from Into the Woods and Nancy from Oliver. When she isn’t on stage she can be found
singing at karaoke night or playing with her dog, Enzo.

Nico Lutz as Aiden Shawshank

has been enjoying working on this crazy show. They have a BA in Theatre from UNM. Recent credits include Aladdin in "Twisted" and Lunaria in "Lunaria."

Stephen Pearson as Stanford

Do you like corny humor? We'd probably get along! In addition to a contagiously happy personality, I also have some experience under my belt. On stage, recent endeavors include leading roles in Team Lunaria! And Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier. I also have past experience with improv, and am currently working on a comedy show for 2023. Stay Tuned! ;-)


Brandon Scott Jensen

Director/ Book/ Lyrics

Brandon has been writing and directing for more years than he is publicly willing to admit. But he is relatively new to being a lyricist. He genuinely hopes that you enjoy the show and songs. He's particularly proud of being able to (side) rhyme the word "oranges."



Composer, lyricist, mixer and
producer. Singer, instrumentalist, dancer, comedian. Drag
performer (Jen Trif-I)! Overall stage enthusiast.
Insta: JenTrif_i

Andy Ray

Tecnichal Director

has been involved with
Jensen Entertainment for the past 2 years.


Stage Manager

Vincent Montoya is excited to be working for Jensen Productions for the second time. Vincent is from Albuquerque and has lived in Michigan for 9 years. He recently worked in a musical called Twisted performed at MTS as an actor and stage manager. One of his favorite actor roles was Ensemble and Butler (My Fair Lady, Kellogg Community College Theatre, Battle Creek, MI). Vincent has also worked as Stage Manager (Forbidden Broadway, KCC Theatre, Battle Creek, MI) and has worked as Sound Engineer ( The Morning Brew, UPublic Studios, Albuquerque, NM). Vincent is currently working for multiple production companies and in his spare time, he likes to watch movies and sing.  Vincent thanks his friends and family.